Society of Friends
by Louis Aragon and Elsa Triolet
Elsa Triolet
Novels and other texts
Automatic writings, small texts from Aragon, composed according to the method of " l'Ecriture Automatique " 1919-1920, published in 1970 and 1974.
Anicet or the Panorama, novel, 1921
The Adventures of Telemachus, 1922
Contemporary Literary History Project, 1923 (published 1994)
Le Libertinage, collection of tales written between 1918 and 1923, enriched with two plays and a preface, published in 1924
A Wave of Dreams, 1924
The Peasant of Paris, 1926
Le Con d'Irène, 1927 (under the name of Albert de Routisie)
Treatise on style, 1928
The challenge painting, written in prose devoted to " merveilleux " and collages, published in 1930
The Bells of Basel, 1934 (The Real World)
For a socialist realism, 1935
Les Beaux Quartiers, 1936 (The Real World), Renaudot Prize
Imperial Passengers, 1942 (The Real World)
To explain what I was, brief autobiographical update, written in 1943 (published in 1989)
Aurélien, 1944 (The Real World)
Servitude and Grandeur of the French. Scenes from the Terrible Years, 1945
The Communists (6 volumes), 1949-1951 and rewritten in 1966-1967 (The Real World)
The Nephew of M. Duval, 1953
Communist Man, 1953
Holy Week, 1958
I kill my game, 1959
Side story, 1962
The Killing, 1965
Blanche or Oblivion, 1967
I never learned to write or the incipit, Skira - The paths of creation, 1969
Henri Matisse, novel, 1971
Theatre/Novel, 1974
Le Yaouanc (essay on the painter Alain Le Yaouanc), Carmen Martinez editions, 1979.
The True Lie, 1980
Writings on Modern Art, an anthology of writings on modern art, published in 1981.
La Défense de l'infini, 1986 (posthumous)
The Adventures of Jean-Foutre La Bite, 1986 (posthumous)
To Explain What I Was, 1989 (posthumous)
Lautréamont et nous, autobiographical writing on the discovery that he and A . breton made by Lautréamont, 1994, (first published in 1967)
Letters to Denise, collection of twenty-one letters written between 1923 and 1925, to Denise Lévy, published in 1994
Letters to André Breton, 1918-1931, edition established by Lionel Follet, Gallimard, 2011
Bonfire, 1919
Perpetual Motion, 1926
The Great Gaite, 1929
Persecuted persecutor, 1930-1931
To the Red Children enlighten our religion, anticlerical propaganda poems, published in 1932
Hooray the Urals, 1934
Heartbreaker, 1941
Hymn to Elsa, 1942
Elsa's Eyes, 1942
Brocéliande, 1942
The Grévin Museum, 1943, published under the pseudonym of François la Colère
In French in the text, collection of poems written from 1941 and 1942, published in 1943
The Honor of Poets, 1943, contains three poems by Aragon under the pseudonym of Jacques Destaing
The Rose and the Reseda, March 11, 1943
The French Diana, December 1944
In strange country in my own country, 1945
The New Heartbreaker, 1948
Eyes and Memory, 1954
The Unfinished Roman, 1956 (containing Stanzas to Remember, better known as The Red Poster)
Elsa, 1959
The Poets, 1960
Elsa's Fool, 1963
Only Paris by Elsa, 1964
The Rooms, poem of the time that does not pass, 1969
Cantata to André Masson, dated June 1977, consists of eleven texts in verse or poetic prose, intended to accompany the work Les Amants celebrated by André Masson, published in 1979.
Farewells and other poems, Aragon's last collection of poems, published in 1981 and 1982
Novels and other texts
À Tahiti (1925) in Russian, translated into French by Elsa Triolet in 1964.
Wild Strawberry (1926) in Russian language
Camouflage (1928) in Russian language
Good evening Therese (1938)
Mayakovsky (1939)
Monster 42, Poetry 42 no 2, Seghers, 1942
Moonlight, Poetry 42 no 4, Seghers, 1942
A Thousand Regrets (1942)
The White Horse, Denoel, 1943
The Lovers of Avignon. Published under the name of Laurent Daniel, which was his pseudonym, clandestinely, by Editions de Minuit, 1943.
Who is this foreigner who is not from here ? or the myth of Baroness Mélanie, Éditions Seghers, 1944
The first hitch costs 200 francs (1944) Prix Goncourt in 1944
Nobody Loves Me (1946)
Armed Ghosts (1947)
The Inspector of Ruins (1948)
The Red Horse or Human Intentions (1953)
The Story of Anton Chekhov (1954)
The Meeting of Strangers (1956)
The Monument (1957)
Roses on Credit (1959)
Luna Park (1959)
The Shenanigans (1961)
The Soul (1962)
The Great Never (1965)
Hear-See (1968)
The Putting into Words (1969)
The Nightingale falls silent at dawn (1970)